On the Prayer of Jesus
The Prayer of Jesus, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner’ repeated constantly, so as to assist ‘unceasing prayer’ as the Apostle Paul commands, is as ancient as the New Testament Church itself, and yet is almost completely unknown by modern Christians. Bishop Ignatius clearly exposes the history, the depth and the value of this prayer, and of ‘Prayer of the Heart’, as well as the dangers of striving for unceasing prayer without an experienced spiritual guide. Bishop Ignatius clearly outlines the usage of the prayer, couching his explanation with extensive quotes from the Holy Fathers, the Philokalia, and the Scriptures. No person zealous for the Prayer of the Heart should ignore this important work.
A separate booklet contains the ‘Table of Contents,’ ‘The Forward,’ and the ‘Introduction,’ as well as an informative explanation on the use of the prayer rope, or ‘chotki,’ by an Athonite monk. Read from the original translation by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore, as published by St. John of Kronstadt Press, 1995.
This is a legacy recording, and as such the audio contains various imperfections.
MP3 download, 3 files, approx. 2.5 hours
(3-CD album currently out of stock.)
Click to hear a sample clip:
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