Liturgical Sheet Music
Here you'll find liturgical sheet music arranged in English by Nathan Williams. Please offer your constructive criticism! These primarily use the translations from the Slavonic by Isaac Lambertson and Rassaphor-monk Laurence of Holy Trinity Monastery.
Most of these compositions have never before been published in English. Others are available for the first time in so-called "liturgical English". The arrangements are made using the open-source software LilyPond.
If you enjoy having these arrangements made available, and would like to support our efforts, the best way to do so is to purchase audio recordings from Orthodox Christian Recorded Books. Thank you, and please pray for us and our endeavor!
Check out our links page for links to other sources of Orthodox Christian sheet music.
Or, learn to arrange Orthodox liturgical music yourself using the free open-source program LilyPond!
Saturday Vespers Prokeimenon, Tone 6, English and Slavonic (a simple yet beautiful variation of the usual Tone 6 melody)
O Gentle Light - Archimandrite Matfei
Between Kathisma Stases - Archangelsky, English and Slavonic
Resurrectional Evlogitaria - Optina Variant
Having Beheld the Resurrection - Ledkovsky
Anaphora - Archangelsky, No. 33 (well suited to the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great)
It Is Truly Meet, Tsar Theodore III - Anonymous (from the choral library of the Triniy-Sergious Lavra metochion in Moscow)
Great Lent
Great and Holy Saturday: Arise, O God - Archim. Matfei, English and Slavonic